

Ayurveda, an introduction:

The word Ayurveda is made up of two words Ayu + Veda Ayu means Life and Veda means to know (knowledge). Thus Ayurveda is the knowledge of life. According to Acharya Sushruta;
            Ayuasmin vidyate anen va ayurvindati itiayurved

Ayurveda considers that everything in this universe is made up of 5 elements viz. Aakash, Vayu, Tej, Prithvi and Jal and so is our body.
The primary principles of body’s physiology are Tridoshas i.e. Vat, Pitta and Kapha which forms the pillars of body as well as of Treatments, Dhatus (Tissues),  Agni (Body fire), Malas (Waste products)
Dosh dhatu mal moolam hi shariram

Ayurveda stresses on body constitution (Prakriti) of an individual. Depending on the doshic composition  an individual can be of Vatik, Pitta, Kaphaja, V-P, V-K, P-K (Dwandaja), and V-P-K (Sam prakriti). Most people are of Dual type however usually one dosha predominates other. A person generally suffers from the same doshic disease as his body dominates. Thus a Vaidya (Physician) takes an individual’s Body’s Prikriti into consideration before starting treatment to provide the maximum health benefits of Aushadhi (Medicines) to him.

Ayurveda medicines are derived from natural sources so they are easily absorbed and assimilated in our body. That’s why they are generally free from side-effects which are frequently seen with Western Allopathic medicines. But in a patient suffering from a disease, a Vaidya (physician) knows best that which medicine is to be given and in what dose as per the condition of the patient, so it is advisable that you should consult a qualified Ayurveda doctor before taking any medicine otherwise your health may harm and you may not get the desired effect for which you were looking for the medicines.

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