
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tridoshas in Ayurveda

What are the Tridoshas?
[ ]Ayurveda's concept of the Tridoshas is unique to medical science. Ayurveda says the body is made up of Doshas (loosely translated to Energetic Forces), tissues (dhatus), waste products (malas). It is the Tridoshas' job to assist with the creation of all of the various tissues of the body and to remove any unnecessary waste products from the body. It is also the Tridoshas that influence all movements, all transformations, all sensory functions, and many of the other activities in the human body and mind.

Vata dosha
[ ]The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. This is for two reasons. First, if Vata becomes imbalanced for long enough and sufficiently enough, it can also cause the other two doshas (Pitta or Kapha) to become imbalanced. It can even cause both Pitta and Kapha to become imbalanced; this is called a Tridoshic imbalance and is the most difficult to overcome. Secondly, Vata is the main driver or mover of the body, including the other two doshas, all the tissues (dhatus) and all of the waste products (malas).
  • All eliminations: fetus, semen, feces, urine, sweat, and a few others
  • Assists with all the various metabolisms in the body (called Agni in Ayurveda)
  • Controls all of the various movement of body (both physical & mental),
    including such things as respiration, heart beat, motivation and contraction of muscles
  • Relays all sensory input from the various sense organs to the brain
Pitta dosha
[ ]The Pitta dosha is associated with fire or heat. Wherever there is transformation, there is Pitta (doing its job). Whether it is in the GI tract, liver, skin, eyes or brain doesn't matter, for these are all locations where Pitta works.
Pitta provides the following functions:
Kapha dosha
[ ]Kapha is the heaviest of the three doshas. It provides the structures and the lubrication that the body needs. These qualities help to counterbalance Vata's movement and Pitta's metabolism. A big, heavyset football play or wrestler is a person with a predominance of Kapha.
Kapha provides the following functions:
  • Strength - to perform physical tasks
  • Moistness & Lubrication - to prevent excessive friction from occurring between the various parts of the body
  • Stability - to add the necessary grounding aspect to both mind and body
  • Mass & Structure - to provide fullness to bodily tissues
  • Fertility & Virility - to produce healthy offspring